
IV Drip In Dubai: What To Do During And After Therapy

IV Drip In Dubai: What To Do During And After Therapy

IV Drip In Dubai: What To Do During And After Therapy

IV(Intravenous fluid) therapy is the induction of vitamins minerals into your body through your bloodstream to treat acute injuries. The fluid is given from a bag connected to a thin tube called an IV, that’s inserted into one of your veins. The flow is regulated either by using an electric pump or manually. Nowadays it is common that people don’t get ample time to take care of their health but negligence to this may lead to severe other health problems as well. Living in developed countries like Dubai makes this even more dreadful. One who bout the benefits of IV therapy can never skip taking IV and if they wish now they can even avail themselves of home IV therapies in Dubai. Even though IV therapy is a minimally invasive procedure; for some patients it can be painful, or stressful. To overcome these concerns one should be aware of things to be done before and after the therapy.


  • If this is the first time you are having an IV infusion, get mentally and physically prepared.
  • Ask questions to experts like how it would feel, what fluid will be administered, ask about the equipment being used, etc. This gives you a general idea about an infusion therapy.
  • It’s important to make a plan about it from the beginning so that you can cut down the stress of the procedure.
  • Never let your hands rest. Instead slowly swing your hands and use gravity, which will help you to fill your veins with blood during the time of setting and collection of samples.
  • It is a must to inform your medical provider about other medications you are taking and about any allergies you are prone to.
  • Keep yourself hydrated before your IV therapy in Dubai.
  • Have a protein-rich meal before IV as directed by medical provider as an empty stomach may cause nausea.


  • Engage yourself with something to turn your focus like listening to music reading books which can be done without potential pain.
  • Inform your concerns with your medical provider including pain, swelling, leaking, discoloration, and warmth or coolness at the IV site for the proper functioning of an IV drip.
  • Avoid unwanted stress and tension during the therapy and remain relaxed throughout the session.
  • Wear comfortable clothes during IV therapy.


  • Strictly follow the instructions given by the medical provider after your IV therapy in Dubai.
  • Take good care about your insertion site. If you find bursting redness or itchiness, inform your physician.
  • If you have a saline lock, follow the instructions carefully about flushing it.

Doing an IV therapy can help you in the regulation of vitamin and nutrient levels in your body. Also, it will improve your energy levels. One should take the therapy according to their nutritional needs. If you wish for safe IV therapy, then Atelier will be the best option for IV drip in Dubai.

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