How effective is IV therapy for treating nausea?

How effective is IV therapy for treating nausea?
To fight the horrors of nausea, vomiting and morning sickness, IV vitamin therapy is considered the best choice for the present generation.
Symptoms of Nausea
Despite being a not “so serious” issue, nausea causes huge uneasiness to an individual. Well, no matter how healthy we are, at one point of time we have also experienced the dreaded symptoms of nausea which include,
- Stomach uneasiness
- Dizziness
- Light-headedness
- Urge to vomit
- Saliva build-up in mouth
- Weakness and sweating
Nausea is usually caused to irregular food habits, lack of oxygen and excessive exercise.
SymptomsWhat is IV therapy?
IV therapy, also known by the name of intravenous therapy, is currently the fastest IV vitamin therapy to deliver nutrients throughout the body. It ensures 100% absorption of the IV drip vitamins by bypassing the digestive system and reaching directly to the target organs.
Moreover, this therapy not only enhances our immunity system but also boosts the energy levels of an individual.
SymptomsHow does IV fluids help in treating nausea?
IV fluids are generally used for treating the nausea caused by dehydration. In this method we replace the lost nutrients and fluids as immediately as possible. An IV therapy will not only rehydrate your body but will also soothe your stomach ache.
According to the experienced paramedics of ATELIER CLINIC, Myer’s Cocktail is one of the most potent IVs for treating nausea. With a composition of vitamin B-12, vitamin C, vitamin B-complex, magnesium, zinc and glutathione it addresses multiple issues like dehydration, weakness and fatigue.
Besides, if this IV package is supplemented with medicines like Zofran it works wonders and gives fast results.
SymptomsTypes of IV fluids used in the treatment
There are basically 2 types of IV fluids used for treating dehydration.
- Crystalloid solutions. As the name suggests, these are minute crystal particles dissolved in the fluids that can easily pass from the bloodstream to the target organ or cell. They are the most frequently used VI fluids for treating dehydration.
Example- Lactated Ringer’s and normal saline
- Colloids Colloids being comparatively larger in size cannot pass easily through the cell membranes and hence stay in the blood vessels.
Example- Hetastarch and albumin.
SymptomsHow to find a reliable healthcare service provider?
So, when it comes to your health, you should never rely on any or every healthcare service provider. Before you select one, conducting brief research and comparing their reviews is very essential.
Well, the search may not be easy, but to make things a bit smooth let me introduce you to ATELIER CLINIC.
It Is a Dubai-based clinic that provides the best IV therapy, Dubai. Rated by millions of patients, it is one of the finest clinics that offer the perfect IV drip for skin.
So, if you are all set to get your first IV session done, consider experiencing ATELIER’S IV drip, Dubai.