
Double Chin Removal : How to Get Rid of It?

Double Chin Removal : How to Get Rid of It?

Double Chin Removal : How to Get Rid of It?

Double Chin, also known as submental fat, is a layer of fat below the chin. It results in a less defined jawline, and is a source of insecurity for many. However, while it is associated with obesity, there are a multitude of reasons why they appear, including ageing, certain medical conditions and genetics.

Causes of A Double Chin

There can be a multitude of causes for double chins. Some of them are:

  • Weight Gain: Weight gain is one of the more common causes of Double Chins. When excess fat accumulates in the body, and specifically in the neck area, the skin around that area sags down, giving the appearance of a second chin. (It needs to be noted that certain genetic factors may lead to higher weight gain as well.)
  • Genetics: There are a few genetic factors that might cause a double chin, like inherited facial structure, skin laxity, etc. Bone deficiency can be another reason, especially in the jaw. If the jawbones don’t project outward enough, it results in a double chin even if there is a low amount of fat in the area.
  • Ageing: Age naturally causes a decrease in skin elasticity, which results in skin being loose. In many people, this lack of elasticity can show itself as a double-chin.
  • Posture: Slouching is another major cause. With a majority of work now being on devices, most people have been developing bad posture, leading to double-chins.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions can cause double chins too. Some noteworthy ones are Hypothyroidism and Lymphedema, among many others. There are also some medications that increase weight gain in the body, potentially resulting in a double-chin.

Note: Before seeking to remove a double chin, visit a doctor to ensure that it is not caused due to any underlying medical conditions. Sometimes, treatment of the condition itself, like in the case of Hypothyroidism, can help reduce double-chin.

Impact of Having a Double Chin

While Double-Chin may only seem like a quirk of appearance at first, it can have an adverse effect on the way other people see them, as well as on how a person sees themselves.

  • Social Consequences: A double chin can cause negative stereotypes, as they are associated with ageing or weight gain. In turn, they can limit opportunities, especially in areas where appearances play a role, due to negative perceptions. Additionally, most people are subconsciously biased in favour of good-looking people and against those without good looks (a term known popularly as “pretty privilege”).
  • Psychological effects: Due to those negative perceptions, many with double chin are self-conscious about their appearance. Due to the above-mentioned bias, many with double-chins also have social anxiety, further worsening the way they are perceived. This may also lead to a negative body image, worsening a person’s self-worth.
  • Emotional Impact: A double chin can be one of the contributing factors to depression and body dysmorphia. Some may even isolate themselves due to their negative emotional states.

Double-Chin Treatment Options

There are a wide range of ways to treat double-chins.

Lifestyle Changes:

  • Healthy Diet and Exercise: One can make changes in their lifestyle, like eating healthier and exercising regularly, in order to reduce fat in their body. A decrease in body fat should help reduce your double chin and bring better definition to your jaw. Keep in mind that this will not help if the facial structure is the cause.
  • Chin Exercises: There are many exercises like Jaw Jut, Ball Exercise, Pucker Up, Neck Stretch, etc. that may help strengthen the muscles and skin in the area. While they don’t have any scientific evidence behind them, there is strong anecdotal evidence supporting their effectiveness. Make sure to always consult your doctor before trying a new exercise.
  • Good Posture: As bad posture is one of the causes of a double-chin, good posture can naturally be used to counteract it.

Non-Surgical Procedures:

  • Kybella: Kybella is a medical procedure where deoxycholic acid, a fat-dissolving substance, is injected into the submental area. This is quite safe and has been approved by organisations like the FDA. However, keep in mind that there are side effects, and some might have an adverse reaction to the acid injected.
  • Coolsculpting: Coolsculpting is a procedure that has recently gained traction due to its non-invasive approach as well as its efficacy. It uses a groundbreaking technology that freezes fat cells in the target area, resulting in the body naturally eliminating them.
  • UltherapyUltherapy is another double-chin treatment approved by many organisations, and uses ultrasound waves to stimulate collagen and elastin production in the skin. Collagen and elastin are proteins that give our skin its structure and elasticity.
  • Thread LiftsThread Lifts are a minimally invasive procedure that, while not used commonly for double chin removal, can help reduce it. It involves the insertion of PDO threads under the chin in order to stimulate collagen and elastin production. It is commonly used alongside a weight loss program, and sometimes with other cosmetic treatments.

Surgical Procedures:

  • Liposuction: Double Chin Liposuction is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure aimed at removing extra fat from the neck area. It may be used in conjunction with other procedures to remove the loose skin. As this is a surgical procedure, keep in mind that a liquid diet must be followed for at least a week after the procedure.
  • Chin Tuck: A Chin Tuck, also known as submentoplasty, is a double-chin removal procedure that involves tightening the neck muscles and releasing vertical bands in the neck. It is often combined with Liposuction to define the face even more.
  • Neck Lift A Neck Lift is a cosmetic surgery that aims to lift and tighten the platysma muscle, giving your neck a youthful appearance. It is more suited for age-related skin sagging, or from losing weight. While a Chin Tuck and a Neck Lift are often confused with each other, Neck Lift is comparatively more extensive.

After Double Chin Removal

  • Follow-up Care: It is important to stay in touch with your doctor after any double chin removal procedure has been done, in order to ensure that the healing process is smooth. Some of these procedures can have serious risks and side effects, so if any are noted, they should immediately be reported to the doctor.
  • Maintain Healthy Habits: It is important to maintain healthy habits after any procedure. Not only does your body need proper nutrition and rest to recover and give the best results, but one can easily slip back to their old appearance if care isn’t taken.
  • Patience: A key thing to be aware of is that no method or procedure gives immediate results. Most procedures look unappealing soon after they have been done, and only give results a few weeks, or even months after the procedure was done.


There are quite a few reasons why a Double Chins can form, ranging from genetic causes to medical conditions to a bad lifestyle. It can have a deep impact on how a person is perceived, by themselves and by others. There are a multitude of methods available for a double chin removal, like making lifestyle changes, chin exercises, and posture improvement; however, non-surgical and surgical procedures are available as well.

Whichever method is chosen, it is important to consult a doctor beforehand, especially in the case of medical procedures. Follow-Up Care is just as important, and one needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle after all procedures as well for the best results.

Written By :  Dr Azmal Hussain 

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